The best way to succeed in online marketing is to know how to sell your products. In marketing everything is connected, so, to grow your sales significantly, you should know your target audience and market your product to them. The following marketing tips will help you grow your sales.
Influencer blogging
The first step to make when you’re starting an online store is to drive more traffic and influencer blogging is the best way to do it. Make sure you have a blog retargeting ad running on and write content on your store’s blog describing influencers in your niche. Also, you can write an article about well-known experts in your niche and share it with them on social media. Doing this you will get in touch with their audience and make more traffic.
Monetize contests and giveaways
Contests are a great way to maximize your revenue per user, but they can be tricky. Choosing the platform is important because hosting giveaways and contests is a good way to grow your email list. Even if your giveaway ends, you will still have the people on your email list, subscribing in hope they will win something else. Make sure that all your customers are happy! Give them a runner-up prize, a small gift card to keep them interested in your online store.
Create a customer loyalty program
When you like a coffee brand and you’re used to it, you tend to buy only that brand! In our case is the same: when a customer enjoys your products, he/she will certainly buy from you next time. In order to succeed, it’s important to have customer loyalty, because the customers can help your business grow very fast. Additionally, 82% of U.S. adults say they’re loyal to brands. Don’t forget these statistics and your business can become a successful one.
Special offers and freebies
This has a huge impact on your sales and email lists. You can make a section or a special page with freebies and offers where you put the discount codes you have running right now. Let’s say it’s a win-win situation, but on long-term you will build up your email list. You can put whatever you want on your special offer such as gift cards, loyalty points, free delivery, student discounts, senior discounts or buy one get one free offer.