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Steps to Follow for a Better Facebook Marketing Campaign

Being active on Facebook is no longer optional for companies—it’s essential for their growth. A Facebook marketing campaign done properly will lead to more conversions. Here are four steps to create a good Facebook marketing campaign.

Step 1: Create a business Facebook page

Fill in your Facebook page as much of the fields as possible and upload a clear, high-resolution image of your company logo as your profile picture. Upload image and video posts as many as possible. Also, when you’re posting, you must post as the page, not from your personal account.


Step 2: Write the perfect post

The best way to accomplish that is to know the most effective Facebook posts which include a singular goal, a clear call to action, clear, short, concise wording, eye-catching title, tone of voice and an image with a link or video.


Step 3: Use Facebook marketing tools

You have the tools, just use them! Bring more attention to a post by “pinning” it to the top of your page’s newsfeed. “Boost” your post to target specific audiences for maximum exposure. You can also use the call to action button with phrases like “Contact Us”, “Book Now” and “Sign Up”. Be wise and research audience engagement and auto-schedule posts during peak days.


Step 4: Monitor and make adjustments

Using Facebook Insights to monitor the highs and lows of a campaign is one of the most effective ways to make necessary adjustments and to know what adjustments to make to ensure more successful campaigns in the future.

What are you waiting for? Your company needs Facebook marketing campaigns!

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